As a forerunner in the energy transition, it is of course important that we look at our CO₂ footprint. In addition, we like to think along with you.

Yes, websites also have a carbon footprint...

The internet consumes a lot of electricity. 416.2 TWh per year to be exact. That is more than the whole of the United Kingdom per year in total.

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  • Dark mode

    Displaying the website in dark mode saves considerable energy compared to a white background. As a visitor, you have a direct influence on the footprint of in terms of display in this choice.

    In addition, you can also save a lot of energy by setting (OLED) screens to dark mode.

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Sign up now

Your energy innovation helps us achieve our climate goals. To accomplish that, you need to make significant investments. You must develop, test, and bring the innovation to the market. For this, you require capital.

What can you expect?

In the first part of this meeting, you will learn more about:

  • Subsidy schemes available for mkb's in 2023, particularly the Topsector Energie schemes for the industry.
  • Private financing in the Netherlands and the Financing Desk of Topsector Energie, which will guide you through this landscape.
  • Venture capital in the Netherlands. What does it look like? What should you consider as an mkb? When should you seek venture capital, and when are you ready to scale up?

Participate in workshops

Choose 2 out of the 4 workshops we offer in 2 rounds. Please indicate your interest when registering.

  1. Subsidy schemes: Practical guide to applying for subsidies - insights from entrepreneurs. This workshop covers various subsidy schemes with real-life experiences shared by mkb entrepreneurs.
  2. Private financing: Fireside chat with early-stage investors. The Financing Desk engages in conversations with entrepreneurs and private financiers on topics related to private financing. Active participation from attendees is encouraged.
  3. Venture capital: Turning venture capital into a milestone. A roundtable discussion with industry practitioners. We discuss statements to bring forth experiences and perspectives.
  4. Dos and don'ts in proposal writing: Hands-on session on writing a subsidy application. In this interactive workshop, we guide you on how to write a strong application. We cover the dos and don'ts, information disclosure, seeking assistance, and avoiding "forbidden" words.


12:00 – 13:00 uur: Walkin with lunch (Schutterzaal)

13:00 – 14:10 uur: Welcome and presentations (Leicesterzaal)

14:10 – 14:25 uur: Break

14:25 – 15:15 uur: Workshopround 1 (50 minuten)

15:15 – 15:25 uur: Break

15:25 – 16:15 uur: Workshopround 2 (50 minuten)

16:15 – 16:30 uur: Joint closure with feedback from workshop leaders (Leicesterzaal)

16:30 – 18:00 uur: Networking drinks (Schutterzaal)


  • De Observant Amersfoort
  • Stadhuisplein 7
  • 3811 LM Amersfoort


  • Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland
  • TKI Energie & Industrie (Topsector Energie)
  • Financieringsloket (Topsector Energie)

Sign up

Want to know more?

TSE Industrie Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling

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