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What can TKI Offshore Energy do for you?

In simple terms, we assist all stakeholders involved in the offshore energy transition, ranging from energy companies to nature conservation organizations, from enterprises to small startups, and from knowledge institutions to NGOs, in moving forward.

We help shape the energy system of the future, maximize the output of offshore sustainable energy while minimizing costs, and ensure a positive impact on nature. Big questions start with small actions.

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One of the projects in which TKI Offshore Energy is involved: AURO

Innovation program Offshore Energy

Our innovation program aligns with the MMIP 1 (Meerjarig Missiegedreven Innovatieprogamma), which focuses on offshore renewable electricity. It encompasses three key themes: cost reduction and optimization, integration into the energy system, and integration into the environment.

Knowledge sharing

Every year, TKI Offshore Energy publishes research on the status of knowledge and innovation in the offshore energy sector. Want to learn more? Explore our website.

Offshore Energy news and activity

The latest developments in offshore energy.


Are you looking for a partner for a research project or an innovation? We are happy to help you. Please contact our community manager Floris Blonk.

Floris Blonk - TKI Offshore Energy

Floris Blonk

Communitymanager TKI Offshore Energy

Would you like to know more about matchmaking by TKI Offshore Energy? Then our community manager Floris is just the person you want to get in touch with.

Support for Financing

The government provides incentives for activities carried out within the program of TKI Offshore Energy through the provision of subsidies, administered by RVO. We are here to help you navigate through the process. Our Financing Desk of the Topsector Energie is the designated place for this.

Looking for financing for your idea?

The government provides incentives for activities carried out within the program of TKI Offshore Energy through the provision of subsidies, administered by RVO. We are here to help you navigate through the process. Our Financing Desk of the Topsector Energie is the designated place for this.

Team Offshore Energy

Who is working for you to ensure the right knowledge and conditions for realizing the offshore energy transition? Meet the team of TKI Offshore Energy.

Bob Meijer - TKI Offshore Energy

Bob Meijer


Bob leads the TKI Offshore Energy

Bram van der Wees - TKI Offshore Energy

Bram van der Wees

Program Manager

Bram has been working at TKI since 2019 as a Program Manager, overseeing various programs including the Multi-Year Mission-Driven Innovation Program (MMIP). He maintains contacts with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) regarding MMIP and the setup of subsidy schemes and tender schemes for offshore wind. Prior to joining TKI, he worked at the Ministries of EZK, Infrastructure and Water Management (V&W), and Finance.

Floris Blonk - TKI Offshore Energy

Floris Blonk

Community manager

Floris maintains contacts with the field of startups, scaleups, accelerators, and incubators. His role is to connect people and knowledge, aiming to find answers to the innovation challenges of the offshore energy transition and to facilitate the market entry of new ideas. Floris organizes challenges and the Offshore Wind Innovators Awards for TKI Offshore Energy as part of these efforts.

Arjan Hofmann - TKI Offshore Energy

Arjan Hofmann

Marketing- & Communication manager

Arjan ensures interaction with the outside world, enabling us to understand what we need to work on and ensuring that the outside world knows what we are working on.

Joline Frens

Joline Frens

Program Coordinator PPS & Communications Officer

Joline ensures that innovation projects are supported by streamlining the handling of the PPS supplement. Additionally, she contributes to the communication of PPS projects to the external stakeholders.

Offshore wind farm


A fully CO2-free electricity system
Read more
  • This MMIP focuses on enabling the necessary scale-up for offshore sustainable energy, especially offshore wind energy, but also considering other forms of offshore energy in the longer term, such as floating solar parks.

    For offshore wind energy, it is evident that the required scale-up is not straightforward with the current state of technology. The scaling faces challenges such as costs, deployment rate, offshore spatial use, safety (e.g., shipping), ecology, and integration of large quantities of electricity into the energy system.

    The innovation challenge lies in addressing these challenges through three subprograms and their associated innovation themes:

    1. Cost reduction and optimization (Safe and affordable scaling)
    2. Integration into the energy system (including storage and conversion)
    3. Integration into the environment (ecology and multi-use)

Knowledge base


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